Personal tax returns

Our tax team look after a wide range of tax clients ranging from annual repayment claims to more complicated trust returns. No matter how simple or complicated your tax affairs might be, we will be happy to assist you with filing your annual tax return.

After reviewing your tax affairs we will be happy to provide you with a fixed fee quotation for preparing your tax return, our service includes;

  • A tax questionnaire to gather information from you.
  • The preparation of your return ready for signature, and if appropriate advice about any tax planning opportunities that we have noticed.
  • Electronically submitting your return to HMRC.
  • Advising you of any balancing payment and payments on account, or if you are fortunate enough, the amount of your tax repayment.
  • A timely reminder about any payments on account.
  • Checking any coding adjustments and tax calculations from HMRC.

Our low cost tax enquiry service

We offer a tax enquiry service, which for an annual fee of £85 plus vat, covers our costs in representing you, should HMRC open an enquiry into your tax return. Tax enquiries are often random and in the vast majority of cases that we handle HMRC make no adjustment, however an enquiry can be expensive to deal with in terms of fees, so for just £85 plus vat you can have peace-of-mind. If you are interested in this service, please ask us for further details.

Require more information?

If you would like more information or would like to ask us a question then call us on Newport Isle of Wight 01983 528139.